We are offering each country-crop annual map at $20,000 for clients interested in data for decision making. Please email info@6grain.com for details on data availability.
The model is trained to recognize the following crops: wheat, barley, maize, soybean and sunflower. This list can be expanded, for example with sugarcane, oil seed rape or canola. Tree crops, like coffee or cashew are also possible. The system will work on any extensive crop that comprises over 5% of the land surface, regardless of field size. To calibrate a classification model to a new crop, we use ground photos of the crop in the year of interest to generate tens of thousands of training data developed by our expert labeling team.
The 6th Grain Annual Cropped Area model is successfully deployed and validated in 18 countries:Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Angola, Katanga region of the DRC, Nigeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Iran, and Iraq. To calibrate a classification model to a new country, we use ground photos of the crop in the year of interest to generate tens of thousands of training data developed by our expert labeling team. The cropped area model is highly adaptable to client needs and requirements.